Friday, February 1, 2008

shopping at Costco

Today I picked up a little friend from preschool and took her with my 3 chickies to Costco. As I pushed the cart with the youngest two in the front and the two 4 year olds in the cart I was asked no less than 6 times if they were all mine and were they twins and other such comments. Come to think of it, it was more than 6 if you count the man who told me the kids were cute and which aisle did I pick them up on.

As we strolled the wide aisles the kids sampled everything within arms reach. It was a buffet of chicken nuggets, mozzarella sticks, pizza squares, yogurt and at just the right time - organic apple juice. It was a lovely sightseeing trip for them as I stocked up on paper napkins, diapers and baby wipes.

We decided to have lunch at their food court (great pizza if you haven't tried it) so I parked the cart by a table with an umbrella. The kids insist on sitting at the umbrella tables although I have no idea why they are even there. Since my pockets were full of the fluted cups and toothpicks from the kids samples I threw them away as I stood in line for food. Just then I realized I still had the trash in my hand but my credit card, costco card and receipt were in the trash. No one was going to help me so I took the lid off and went digging through the trash. Yuck! But I got my cards back.

As I stood in line again the kids were goofing off, as they do. Not a real problem but they were pushing the cart with the baby in it! Stage whispers and frantic gesturing were not getting their attention so I resorted to *loud talking*. They still didn't behave so I said, quite loudly, " Can you hear me? I know everyone else here can." They settled down amidst laughter from the other moms and a few understanding nods from the other dads.

All was well until it was time to leave the store. Babyboy had reached his limit and was ready for his nap so we hightailed it out only to be put in purgatory since I didn't have my receipt. They have to check your receipt against the items in your cart before you leave. Yup, mine was still in the trash and I was NOT going back. We were able to get a replacement receipt but babyboy was not happy about it.

All's well that ends well.

1 comment:

  1. Costco always a great place to go with little ones. It is hours of entertainment for my two little nephews (2 1/2 & 1 1/2 yrs). my 4 yr old niece loves going for the taste treats (as she calls them).


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